Prije skoro godinu dana, petnaest porodica naših gimnazijalki ugostilo je učenice srednje škole  „St. Paulus“ iz Varegema (Belgija), u okviru projekta Međunarodna razmjena Crna Gora − Belgija.

U periodu od 2. do 9. marta ostvarili smo saradnju s profesorima  Aline Pyck  i Guy Steuperaert, demonstrirali im časove u našoj školi, slušali o njihovim profesionalnim iskustvima. Naše gimnazijalke su otkrile ljepote Crne Gore svojim evropskim vršnjakinjama, upoznale ih sa svojim školskim obavezama i pokazale im generacijske simbole našeg podneblja.

Nekoliko dana po završetku prvog dijela Međunarodne razmjene Crna Gora – Belgija, kojim su koordinisale profesorice Jadranka Grbović i Biljana Vučurović, u našoj zemlji proglašena je pandemija kovida-19 i zatvorene su granice Crne Gore, a život je krenuo novim tokom. Odložili smo ovaj izvještaj da bismo ga dovršili po okončanoj posjeti Belgiji. Ipak, odlučili smo da objavimo zapis gostovanja u Gimnaziji. Možda i prizovemo bolju epidemiološku situaciju i povratak đačkih ekskurzija.

U nadi da će i naše učenice uspjeti da posjete svoje belgijske drugarice do kraja četvorogodišnjeg školovanja, radujemo se izboru snimaka na kojima, u sadašnjim okolnostima pandemijske distance, nestvarno djeluje prisnost u kojoj je sprovedena ova razmjena iskustava.


Almost a year ago, fifteen families of our gymnasium girls hosted secondary school students St. Paulus from Waregem within the project of International Exchange Montenegro-Belgium.

In the period from March 2nd – 9th we spent time with teachers Aline Pyck and Guy Steuperaert, demonstrated them the classes at our gymnasium, listened about their professional experiences. Our school students showed the beauties of Montenegro to their European peers, introduced them with their school obligations and revealed them the generation symbols of our region.

A few days after the end of the first part of the International Exchange Montenegro-Belgium, coordinated by teachers Jadranka Grbović and Biljana Vučurović, a pandemic of the Covid-19 virus was declared in our country, the borders of Montenegro were closed and life took a new turn. We kept the report to complete it after the visit to Belgium was over. Nevertheless, we decided to publish a record of the visit to the Gymnasium. We may even call for a better epidemiological situation and the return of school excursions.

Hoping that our students will be able to visit their Belgian friends by the end of their four-year schooling, we are delighted to have a selection of footage in which, in the current circumstances of pandemic distance, the closeness in which this exchange of experiences happened seems unreal.